05 January 2005

i know this is going to sound shallow, but...

i am a girl after all, and why shouldn't i be stoked that my hair is within inches of being long enough?

i decided last summer,after about my 6th shitty supercuts coiffure in a row, that i wanted to get a decent haircut. that meant i had to let it get really crappy looking and way overgrown first, so joyce* would have something to work with, and by that time, i had decided i wanted it to be longer.

so here i am... 6 months later, and my hair will be where i want it by my birthday.

yes, it's stupid, but i'm stoked. i've been sad about the disaster in se asia for well over a week, and i'll take being in a good mood any way i can get it.

* she's @
http://www.luxsalon.com, an aveda concept spa.

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